Become the Fittest, Healthiest and Happiest Version Of Yourself

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Align and Thrive is a program that will awaken and empower you to live your greatest life. Your heart and soul will sing as you step into alignment with who you are meant to be and thrive as you discover and live the 10 habits..The best investment you can give to you. I promise 

- Laura-Lee

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I can honestly say that my mental health, compared to the beginning of the course, is 100% better. I am happier daily. And I am gaining my self confidence back.  Having a daily routine seems simple, but it's not. But now I have the tools.  Thank you

- Amy Chadwick

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Align and thrive isn’t only for people who love yoga or who have lots of time to work on themselves - it’s for them sure, but it’s the busy, the overtired, the cranky, the can’t stop people who should consider joining! This is for self care, self love and better health. From one busy person to another, I’m telling you it made all the difference in my life! My world view has shifted. My routine is more streamlined and better for me. I’m more efficient because of it; because I feel good and healthy and energized! Thank you for what you do Dana. It is an amazing course.

- Jade Jagger

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Dana Skoglund’s Align & Thrive program has been life changing for me in the the way it has created a major shift in my daily habits and my overall awareness in my daily choices. I was able to discover my true core values with assistance through the program which helps me make the best choices that align with my values. I am now able to sleep through the night without sleep aides, have decreased anxiety, and notice significant increased energy throughout the day. It has been so monumental in improving my overall health. I recommend this program to anyone wanting to improve self-care and become the best version of yourself.

- Kim Hansen

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Words cannot express what Dana gifted me in Align and Thrive, but I will try! After years of pushing through fatigue and in the name of “getting it done,” I found something I lost: my body’s voice. It was loud - very loud - but I ignored it because I felt that didn’t have time to listen. Not anymore. The concepts we focused on in Align and Thrive helped me slow down, listen, and put my body and mind first so I can give more than ever before. Thanks to Dana, I found my way out of a lifelong cycle of punishment and recuperation, and I can never be more thankful.

— Kari Wright

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As 2018 closes I'm also finishing an 11 week Align and Thrive series with Dana Skoglund and there couldn't be a better way to close off the year. With a growing family and growing business it's easy to let self-care fall to the side. By spending each week focusing on a new daily habit to weave into a full life makes sure that I'm caring for my health and sanity first so that I can support all of the busyness around me. If you're looking for that "New Year New You" that ACTUALLY sticks this is the community to get in! (Also Dana's yoga classes are 👌🧘‍♀️)

- Rochelle

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I joined Dana’s Align and Thrive group as I was looking to get to know my spiritual side deeper and take better care of “her”. The habits we implemented during the course proved to be the stepping stones I needed to find and begin to nourish my spirit. Dana is a genuine and caring coach who is enriching the lives of those around her. I am sincerely grateful for the connectivity I discovered within myself .... thank you!

— Yoly Phillips

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My 10 weeks immersed in the Align and Thrive group lead by Dana Skoglund was truly awesome. Her passion and guidance through 10 daily habits awakened more body awareness putting me in tune with how I feel and why. Each week we learned reasons behind each habit, which put me in the drivers seat and further helped my transformation towards making everyday the best it can be.
If anyone is looking to take control of their own health and become more in tune with your physical and emotional being I would highly recommend working with Dana through Align and Thrive! 

— Jess Voni

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Recently I had a dietician appointment at KGH. It was after a long-waitlist to get in regarding my IBS. It was really apparent that I've made a LOT of changes in terms of eating within the past 6 months. One of the first questions was whether I eat regular snacks and meals. I was able to say: yes! 6 months ago-- that was not the answer. I used to feel so nauseous in the morning every day that I was avoiding eating breakfast, and that threw me off the rest of the day. Before for  travelling, I used to not eat at all (sometimes for more than 12 hours-- if flying, I would fast the night before and all day, and just have water, to avoid the possibility of stomach irritation). This is no longer the case! I won't continue with all of the ins and outs! But it was also apparent that within the past 6 months- I've gained more awareness of what foods work for me. The 10 day detox was a really helpful catalyst, and I think that it actually was really beneficial for resetting my biome! I feel my stomach is less-sensitive following the 10 day detox than it was before that!

- Catherine Brandon

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I am just finishing a 3 month Ayurveda program with Dana Skoglund which I highly recommend. I have lost 20 pounds, and am starting to incorporate healthier plant-based eating and self care habits into my life. I feel more energetic and happier. I have learned so much that I will be adopting over the months to come. Thank you Dana!

- Wendy Creelman

I am really enjoying this program and look forward to each week and habit! The information is awesome and far beyond what I expected for this course.  This course has come to me at the perfect time for a number of things in my life and helping me work through the loss of my Dad is one of them.
I never used to be one to sit in my feelings and just let myself feel them, I always had to have a reason of why I felt them. Now I just try and let myself feel them and remind myself I am enough, right where I am.

- April Goldade


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What this course gave me was the structure and gently facilitated accountability system to layer these habits into my life in a logical, naturally progressive way. I was able to realize what my keystone habits are and observe the effect on my life and vitality when i neglected these key habits. I also got a lot out of the group sharing - though i myself am pretty introverted (particularly in group settings), I was grateful for the generosity in sharing from the other members of the group and the ability to compare/contrast my experience with theirs. 
Dana, as always, was fantastic. humble, grounded, hilarious, approachable, knowledgeable, dedicated and totally real. This is a program for anyone and everyone! 

— Dewi Peters

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This 10 week course opened up the realization that it’s possible to put life changing habits in to place. I had really lost hope in some areas of my life. I thought I wasn’t able to stick with things long enough and that it was just “who I was”. I was stuck in these old stories of “I am not a morning person”, “I am unorganized” - although I desperately wanted to be an “organized morning person”. Learning about my composition (Dosha) suddenly made my whole life make sense, the highs and lows I experience and the general state of discomfort. Dana laid it all out in small bite-sized steps, each leading in to one another in a very non-threatening kind of way. For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel overwhelmed with all I wanted to be, do and change. The golden nugget for me was that change happens one step little step at a time. Re-vamping habits and replacing old habits is totally possible. Knowing this has opened up my entire life from the seat of “possible”.  Infinite gratitude. 

— Grace Edison

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Dana’s Align & thrive course changed my life more than I realized it ever could! In just a short time over the course of 2 to 3 months, I’m waking up at 5:30 AM without an alarm?!! My husband is shocked & amazed! I have completely reconnected, without fail, to a personal daily yoga practice followed by meditation each morning.
This course helped me to manage my daily life schedule to accommodate & make room for what really matters to me. I have more energy and less feelings of overwhelm and intensity. With little to no effort, I gave up television, coffee & the urge to eat chocolate on a daily basis. Haha.
I’d recommend this course to anyone who would like to build a better relationship with themselves and shift with little effort into a healthier and easeful life.... Dana is an excellent coach.  I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this community....

— Elise Dunn

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My habits have shifted especially my morning routine. I did not think it was possible for me to get up and feel rested and begin my day with a yoga practice. My routine sets me up for an easeful day. I feel present and unattached to what is going on around me and feel incredibly clear and present. I have more energy and am more aware of what my body needs.
I have received so much more than I had hoped. I feel that I have come to have a deeper love, understanding and acceptance of myself. I have noticed a lot of realizations relating to my personal relationships with friends/work/family. I am clearer on what my boundaries are.

— Denise Dillon

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I’ve realized that all of these habits are really teaching me how to care for myself, which is something I need more than anything. I’ve never learned that skill before. I have realized that nothing is more important than self care. My vision is shifting and clarifying, and things that don’t serve that higher purpose are falling away as things that do support it are becoming more urgent. I am slowly strengthening my “no” muscle and learning how to use it with grace and integrity...or perhaps my bigger “yes” is just beginning to eclipse all the stuff in the way.

— Carol Domanko

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After listening to Dana on a life changing talk in January 2015, I was very inspired. I decide to join Dana’s Align and Thrive to take care of me. I can affirm that the 10 weeks course had a positive impact in my life habits forever.
Lots of positive changes in my lifestyle! I definitely sleep better, prep my food for the week, do sun salutations in the morning, meditation - those are all activities I was not doing before
I’m so grateful life put Dana on my path!  Looking forward to Dana’s other classes to continue my journey. 

— Paule Mondor

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I have attended Dana’s yoga classes for years and have always found her to be very knowledgeable. During this program I felt inspired to live a better life.The skills I learnt to ease my life has changed my temperament. I find myself responding to life’s daily challenges in a calmer demeanor. I really sense Dana feels passionate about Align and Thrive and it shines through in her teachings.

— Fiona Weiss

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 It’s been 9 months since I took Align and Thrive from Dana and I am down 35 lbs!
SUCH RELIEF! I had no idea I could feel this good.
Tell everyone you know - I had given up hope, and now I feel like I can do the damn thing - this life, this purpose.
You gave me my life back Dana, I can never ever thank you enough. Keep doing this work - you are changing lives. My children will thank you someday...

— Grace Edison

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Being an insomniac was always the most reliable thing in my life. A few months ago I realized that I lacked more and more energy and resilience. So I thought, I have to do something and it might as well be this. 

If someone would have told me that after just a few weeks I would get up at 5.30 in the morning after 7 hours of the deepest possible sleep and full of energy & excitement to start all my various fun projects, I would never have believed it. So what’s happened? Hard to explain, but it felt easy and natural. It was the empathetic guidance of a wonderful coach, a supportive group that shared amazing stories, and a clear goal on the horizon. Thank you, Dana Vanwoerden Skoglund! Keep doing your magic. For me it’ll be an ongoing learning curve, and an ever surprising route to travel.

— Karin Eger-Blenk

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There’s a lot of noise these days about self-care. But what does it actually mean? I used to hear that term and roll my eyes because it seemed so new age-y and surface. When I looked around at how it was being used I saw more busy-ness, more perfecting, more distractions and more indulging. But Dana Skoglund had a different interpretation of it- being honest and clear with ourselves about what we really need. To me self-care looks a lot like facing down the deeper darker parts of yourself and shaking out the cobwebs. To me it looks like soul searching and making room to pursue the things that call to you and giving yourself space to make mistakes and fail. I LOVE a good massage or a pedicure or whatever but they’re not the things that make my life any richer feeling. Connecting, letting go of sh/t that doesn’t work, making space for quiet, pursuing projects that I’m passionate about... these are the things. Dig deeper. The world needs deeper these days. And if you need help check out Dana’s coaching. It’s straight to the point and no fluffy stuff

— Katie Nugent



I am so grateful to Dana and the Do Your Dharma course for helping me to explore my inner desires, envision a new identity, and introduce me to the tools I needed to make changes and grow towards my higher potential. Throughout the sometimes difficult journey, Dana continued to be loving, supportive, encouraging, and knowledgeable. It is so evident that Dana puts her time and energy into making this course the best ever. Dana is authentic and a wealth of information, tools and techniques. She goes over the top to ensure every student’s journey is best suited to their needs. I highly recommend this course.

- Olive Dodd


Dana teaches with focus, kindness and a huge understanding of the science and also the challenges of making sustainable change. I still live by the shifts I made in Align and Thrive 3 years ago and I still have the energy, strength and motivation that I got from Dana after many prior attempts at being healthy. Make peace with yourself and finally make peace with your body. Take Align and Thrive.

- Madeleine Eames

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When I first talked to Dana, I was in a very disorganized and chaotic state. I was chasing myself from one day to the next and making no headway in my life. Even worse, I had lost the priority of making time for myself and the things that were important to me. Over the course of Do Your Dharma, I have rediscovered my creative self and made solid advances in establishing structure in my own life as well as that of my family. I feel much calmer and have a truly positive outlook on where my life is going. This course is truly life saving!!

- Shauna Kelly

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This is my third course with Dana and I intend to stay connected to the incredible community she has created. Her courses have enriched my life. They have taught me habits that align to optimal health, feel empowered in my life and stay focused on my goals. Being apart of this growing community means I don't have to do this all on my own. I am thriving with the accountability and support the community gives me. Dana provided an educated, experienced, kind and creative way that has helped me step into my untethered true, shiny self and follow my dreams.

- Shauna McGowen


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Dana has transformed my idea of yoga and certainly transformed my body. I have never felt more open in my shoulders and hips and attribute it to Dana's style of teaching. She is a highly skilled teacher with a special gift for communicating safe and proper alignment. She is also incredibly creative and I love the element of variety that she brings into her classes. Dana has a lovely disposition, is very encouraging and compassionate, and a true joy to practice with. I feel grateful and honored to call her my teacher.

— Barb Vermassen

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Dana is a natural, strong teacher. I personally love her creative and fun approach to asana and the knowledge she's shared in her workshops I've attended. She is constantly keeping up on her studies and always trying to better herself and her classes and it shows. Her understanding and application of alignment in asana is excellent. She truly has inspired me as a teacher and helped me to transform my own practice with her knowledge of Anusara Yoga.

— Tara Pilling

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I am so grateful to have found Dana Skoglund as a teacher. She is brilliant. Her attention to alignment is unparalleled and my yoga practice has advanced significantly since I began studying with her nearly 2 years ago. Dana is an exceptionally skilled teacher and as a teacher myself, I have often looked to her for guidance and mentorship. Her calm manner and deep knowledge are a continued source of inspiration.

— Shauna Nyrose

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I am doing so well because you are an amazing teacher and coach!! I cannot thank you enough for lighting the way for me . I feel amazing and my intuition continues to become stronger and my mind clearer. I feel strong in a gentle way.. I continue to be amazed and incredibly grateful by all of the positive changes in my life ... I really love the person I am becoming ...

I am so grateful for everything that you have done for me from the yoga to the health coaching. I am loving the new version of me. I feel SO happy.

— Denise Dillon


You mean so very much to me. I've tried yoga before and I've liked it, but you have made me love it! I like being meticulous and precise and your guidance has meant the world to me. I have become more open-minded both on the mat and off of it because of you. I never thought I would ever get into handstand. Never. I don't think I even wanted to get into it! But you were so encouraging and patient. I now love when we practice it. I even practice it at home!!! I feel stronger physically and mentally and more willing to try new and different things in my life. You are inspirational, compassionate and kind.

— Faye

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Dana Yoga Health Coaching course opened up the realization that it’s possible to put life changing habits in to place. I had really lost hope in some ares of my life. I thought I wasn’t able to stick with things long enough and that it was just “who I was”. I was stuck in these old stories of “I am not a morning person”, “I am unorganized” - although I desperately wanted to be an “organized morning person”. Learning about my comstitution suddenly made my whole life make sense, the highs and lows I experience and the general state of discomfort. Dana laid it all out in small bite-sized steps, each leading in to one another in a very non-threatening kind of way. For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel overwhelmed with all I wanted to be, do and change. The golden nugget for me was that change happens one step little step at a time. Re-vamping habits and replacing old habits is totally possible. Knowing this has opened up my entire life from the seat of “possible”. Infinite gratitude.

— Grace Edison

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I've been practicing yoga for 7 years and only found Dana this past March. She has inspired me to try poses that my mind had never allowed me to explore, and what an amazing feeling when you can actually get into the poses! The way that she describes the teeniest bits of our anatomy in order to reach those poses is so unique, I find myself just listening and making the necessary adjustments without thinking “what IS she talking about???”. Dana has always been very welcoming in every class, I've always felt at home and very comfortable in her classes. I feel like I’ve learned more in the past 6 months than I have in the past 6 years! “She’s so awesome”, that’s what I truly say to all of my friends.

— Jodi MacDonald

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Dana is a raw, organic, dynamic, authentic teacher, mentor, philosopher and friend.

— Monique Ducharme