5 Simple Practices to Increase Your Ojas (immunity)

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Immune health has taken center stage over the last few months. I’m sure I’m not the only one whose Facebook feed and inbox has been filled with “immune boosting tips and tricks”. In this article I’m sharing the Ayurvedic perspective on immunity and what we can do to support it.

Ojas is the word in Ayurveda synonymous with immunity. It can be translated as vigor, vitality, deep nourishment and endurance. It’s said to be the body’s natural honey - a refined essence from plants and everything else we take in.

Ojas is what makes us resilient and robust. It’s what keeps us strong and healthy during times of stress. It gives us the “glow” of radiant health and happiness. It protects us from disease and makes us impervious to the onslaught of negativity we are exposed to. Ojas, in short, is the most important thing for us to cultivate right now.

Ojas is built when we are spending time rejuvenating, rather than pushing ourselves. Just another reason why self-care is so vitally important.

So how do we get more of this juicy nectar of life?

Below are 5 simple ways to get the “glow”

  1. Balance your digestion by optimizing what, when, how and why you eat. 

What: Fresh, organic, sun-ripened whole foods contain the most ojas-building energy. Your local farmers market will always be the best place to source your food. Traditionally ojas building foods include warm cooked vegetables, grains (millet, amaranth, basmati rice, and quinoa), fresh nuts, fruit (avocados, berries, apples and small amounts of dates) and healthy fats (ghee, olive oil, coconut oil).

When: eat at regular times during daylight hours, fasting at least 13 hours between dinner and breakfast. Space your meals and avoid snacking to give your digestion a break and balance blood sugar levels. Fast on warm water between meals.

How: sit down in a calm, relaxed environment. Eat slowly and mindfully, taking care to chew completely and savor each bite. 

Why: only eat when you are hungry and fully present, not to avoid or distract yourself from uncomfortable emotions. Tips on overcoming emotional eating here.

2. Follow a rhythmic, earth-based daily routine.

Rise and set with the sun. Rhythm is grounding to the nervous system. We thrive when we follow a consistent daily routine that includes nurturing self-care practices like self-massage.

Although many of us are spending our day at home during quarantine, it’s so essential to create some structure in your day. Have regular mealtimes and bedtimes (see below). Get up at the same time every day and design a morning routine that sets you up for a beautiful day - exercise, meditation, and journaling. 

3. Get great sleep

This one is SO KEY. Sleep is essential for proper functioning of every system in the body. Between the hours of 10pm and 2am deep house cleaning and repair takes place in the body. If you’re not getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night, you will be more susceptible to disease and imbalances. If you haven’t downloaded my Get Great Sleep Checklist yet - grab it now

4. Manage your stress and balance your nervous system.

Our current Covid situation and level of uncertainty is bringing up a lot of stressful thoughts for many of us. Now is the time to double down on calming and grounding practices of yoga, meditation, breath work and other pacifying practices. With so many amazing teachers taking their offerings online, it’s easier than ever to gain these tools. I’ve got a few myself.

5. Bring more pleasure and joy into your life

It’s true, pleasure and enjoyment can boost your immune system. Are you taking time each day to do something that’s just for fun? Are you consciously cultivating gratitude and contentment daily? 

In Ayurveda everything starts in the mind. When we are healthy in mind, we are healthy in body - the 2 are intricately connected. This is a big reason why I focus on mindset as much as the physical habits in Align & Thrive - we need to work on BOTH.

Give yourself these simple acts of daily self-love and get the ojas glow!

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