How to actually achieve your goals and the best decision I made this year
As the end of the year approaches there's a tangible pull to create new goals and set intentions for the year to come. There’s a natural momentum and desire to improve and upgrade as we turn a new leaf and begin a new year. January, which marks the start of our calendar year, is itself named for Janus, the Roman god with two faces. One face looks to the past and one looks to the future. I have a personal tradition this time of year of journaling wishes and dreams and choosing which seeds to plant, nurture and grow in the upcoming year. I also go back and read the goals I set the previous year to see how well I did.
What I noticed is-
Wishes and dreams alone aren't enough.
Trying to make changes on your own rarely works.
Doing the same thing I've always done gets me nowhere new.
What does work?
Enrolling people to support me and hold me accountable is extremely effective.
Trying something new yields different results.
Finding a guide or teacher puts you on the fast track to growth.
For example; A few years ago I realized that I needed and wanted to do more as a yoga teacher than just teach drop-in classes and a few workshops here and there. I didn't consider myself a “popular” teacher but wanted to reach more students. I began to do research on my own. I signed up for newsletters galore that inundated my inbox and quite frankly left me feeling more overwhelmed than informed. I was certain that I could do it alone. You can get everything you need and want on the internet right? It was a lonely and frustrating path. I learned a little, but it didn't amount to much.
Then I realized I needed a mentor. I wanted a guide who could give me the step-by-step instructions and lead the way. I’m a mother of 2 young boys with less than 2 hours a day to myself to work on my goals and passions. I didn't want to waste any more time.
I surrendered. I invested in a mentor. I enrolled in a course. And let me tell you…I will never look back. It was the best decision I made this year.
So…the moral of the story.
If you want change, if you’re ready to transform, don’t kill yourself trying to do it alone. It just doesn't work. Change is a bumpy road and hard to navigate. We need teachers with experience and training. We need community who shares our struggles and are looking in the same direction. It’s not only the most effective way, but the most fun.
So if your goals for 2015 include living with less busyness and more balance, taking care of yourself with nourishing food and better daily habits, or finally starting a meditation practice, join me next Saturday, January 3 at 3pm at the Heart School for a free talk on 8 daily habits to move youfrom stress to ease. Don’t waste any more time trying to figure it all out by yourself. Let’s come together and make a change.