What I accomplished in 2016
Over the past several years I’ve become somewhat obsessed with goal setting. There was a turning point in my life about 4 years ago when decided to become a yoga health coach. I wanted to work with students who were more committed to their own improvement and growth and I wanted to guide them into creating amazing results.
At the time I didn’t know anything about coaching or habit change. I had just started to learn how to plan and reach goals. I began exploring recommended books, I filled out goal setting workbooks and dove deep into the sea of personal growth. I was smitten.
While the day-dreaming of journaling my goals was fun, I knew I needed to learn some skills I didn’t have and needed to find teachers who had walked the path before me. So I joined a group coaching course, I followed the best online bloggers on habit change and read the best books on personal achievement, time management and goal setting (book list coming soon). I then compiled everything I learned and taught it to my students (to help me integrate the material even more).
Every year since I’ve achieved the goals I set for myself (or at least come very close), I discovered strategies that work (planning, tracking, accountability) and refined my systems even more. I use these systems in my group coaching courses to help my students create health breakthroughs that change their lives.
This year I met the following goals I set for myself:
- Decluttered my house using the Marie Kondo method
- Finished creating over 40 webinars for my 9-month Empowered Living Course
- Created and launched 21 Days to Epic Sleep with 52 members
- Successfully led 3 groups through my 10-week Align and Thrive course
- Launched a mentoring program for Align and Thrive
- Incorporated more adventure and fun into my life with indoor bouldering
- Got organized in my life and business using online project management tools and an online calendar (for someone who is as technologically challenged as me - this was a real accomplishment)
- Co-created and taught 4-month course with my teacher
- Published (almost) weekly emails/blogs
- Increased my social media presence (this was also a big feat)
- Hired a virtual assistant and help with childcare and housecleaning
- Daily meditation, exercise and home-cooked meals
This was all done being a mom of 2 young boys and working approximately 25 hours a week.
I don’t share this to brag (although we should all own our achievements more), but to illustrate the fact that when you have a daily routine that is aligned with how you want to feel and what you want to make happen, anything is possible.