How to read 40 books per year (and a list of the 31 books I’ve read this year)


In a recent article by James Clear, I read that Warren Buffett estimates that 80 percent of his working hours are spent reading or thinking. Not answering emails, not doing busy work - but reading and thinking.

His advice for a successful career: “Read 500 pages every day. That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”

How much do you read? Are you building your knowledge daily?

Ever since I’ve discovered audible I’ve at least doubled the amount of books I read per year.

I love listening to books because I can do it while I walk the dog, clean the house, and prepare meals. I’ve also slowly trained myself to listen at 1.5 or 2X speed to be able to take more in - there’s so many amazing books out there!!!

I also read in bed before I go to sleep as it makes me nice and tired (and because my phone isn’t allowed in the bedroom so listening to audiobooks is not an option!). So combining reading paper books from the library or amazon, with my monthly subscription of 2 books per month on audible - I read 3-4 books per month.

I’ve had many requests for a book list so I’ve included the 31 books I’ve read so far this year below.

The Master Key System

Slipstream Time Hacking

So Good They Can’t Ignore You

High Performance Habits

Willpower Doesn’t Work

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender

The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life

You are a Badass at Making Money

The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth

Building a Storybrand

The New Psycho-cybernetics

The Alchemist


The Obstacle is the Way

Man’s Search for Meaning

Blue Zones

Firestarter Sessions

Healthy Happy Sexy: Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women

The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement

Designing Your Life

4 Tendencies

Magic of Thinking Big

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

What the Heck Should I Eat

Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on The Ketogenic Diet, including Simplified Science and No-cook Meal Plans

The Keto Reset Diet

TED Talks: The Official Guide to Public Speaking

5 Second Rule

12 Rules for Life

The Power of Intention

Find Your Why

Want more? Here's last years list.

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