What I accomplished in 2017
I worked my ass off this year.
Every quarter I set specific goals, laid out a plan and took action daily to accomplish them. Over the years of refining my goal-setting and time management processes, I'm getting better and better at hitting my goals on time, most of the time. While I work 6-7 days a week, I always stop working by 4pm. I'm a bit of a workaholic so my self-care habits are non-negotiable so that I don't burn out.
My goals were hard-won, pushed my edges and weren't always easy – but discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.
Here's my list of accomplishments for 2017:
- Led a kick ass retreat in Bali
- Created and launched the Do Your Dharma course
- Took my Align and Thrive course online and helped 40 people achieve their health goals
- Started the free Grow Strong Facebook Group and led 3 super fun challenges (4th coming soon!)
- Recorded 6 podcasts: The Sonya Looney Show, Women Gone Vibrant, Yoga Health Coaching, and Shameless Mom Academy and Yogahealer here and here
- Published 48 blogs (so far - more to come!)
- Practiced (almost) daily meditation and exercise
- Delivered 15 free talks at yoga studios, teacher trainings, and health fairs
- Read a boatload of new books (audible rocks!)
- Attended my first yoga retreat as a guest
- Established new daily habits of getting to inbox zero and intermittent fasting (14-15 hours between dinner and breakfast)
- Got the boys started with daily chores to help with maintaining a clutter-free home
- Reduced daily sugar consumption radically
- Hired a business coach to improve my systems for increased efficiency and effectiveness
It's been a great year and I plan to make 2018 even better. Hope you join me for the ride.