Episode 101: Balancing Getting and Having
The great paradox we're trying to embrace in this life is that of BEING and BECOMING. Most of us are so overly focused on getting more, achieving more, being better, that we don't spend enough time appreciating what we have and loving who we are right now.
I'm reading the book Already Free by Bruce Tift where he poses the question: "What would it be like to be completely committed to this reality as if it would never get any better?". If your response to that question was despair, you're not alone. AND it's a sign that you need to focus on the BEING and HAVING part of the equation (as most of us do). We falsely believe that we will enjoy our lives more once we "get" what we want. But if we're not enjoying our lives now, we won't when we get more because appreciation and enjoyment comes from a state of mind.
Are you ready to put what you're learning in this podcast into practice? Have you been curious about life coaching? Reach out at danaskoglund@gmail.com and say let me know what you're struggling with and the big goals you'd love to create. If I can help, I'll let you know and we can set up a time to chat.