Conscious Christmas: Gift Guide for Yogis

Here are my top picks for great gifts for yogis. Make a CD of your favorite yoga tunes to inspire a home practice and great resources for teachers: Sequencing guide and Yoga Resource Manual

This book was a gift and I always find great poems in it to support my themes in class: Risking Everything: Poems of Love and Revelation

One of my favorite Jivamukti teachers Ruth Lauer-Manenti who is known for her story-telling, compiled a book of many of her dharma talks in these two books. I'm getting one for myself for Christmas: Offering of Leaves and Sweeping the Dust. Gita wisdom is always relevant in The Great Work of Your Life by Steven Cope.

A gift certificate to their favorite yoga studio, or a private session with their favorite teacher.

A donation on their behalf to a charity that supports something that’s close to their heart. One and that keeps on giving:

A self-care package. Put together a nice woven basket with some homemade body butter or massage oil, bath salts, tea, and some organic dark chocolate.