It's already here
For the last 3 years I’ve been working on a business goal. I’ve taken lots of actions, “failed” a million times, focused on believing in myself… all the things.
I’ve also told myself lots of stories about why I’m not there yet and there must be something wrong with me because it’s taking so. damn. long.
But yesterday I had a glimpse of the certainty that it’s here. It’s happening. It was a feeling deep in my belly and for the first time, not a shred of doubt was present.
What if… when you have a dream, a burning desire, an audacious goal, the moment it hits your brain means it’s already in existence?
What if… the thought: “I want _____”, is actually the universe foreshadowing what is definitely going to be in your future?
What if… the reason you have an idea of having something you don’t yet have is nature’s way of preparing you for what’s to come?
I love practicing these thoughts. I believe that you would not have a desire that you didn’t have the ability to bring into existence.
So here’s a few secrets for manifesting your dreams.
Make decisions FROM the place of “it’s done”.
When deciding to do something, ask yourself: “If my goal was inevitable, would I do this?”
Live everyday with certainty that you’re on your way, that what you’re doing IS WORKING. As I write this, I’m looking at a post-it note on my computer that says “it’s working”. I need the constant reminder. You probably do too.
Look for evidence that you’re getting closer, making progress and it’s a matter of time. How much time? Who knows? Who cares? The time will pass anyway.
Sometimes this requires some mental gymnastics - especially when everything in your life points to the opposite. This is when you need to DOUBLE DOWN and choose to keep believing.
Part of living in “it’s done” energy is being grateful for your goal ahead of time.
Say, “Thank you for (insert your goal here)” every morning when you wake up. Then feel how you would feel when your goal is your reality. Feel it as deeply as possible.
Then imagine going through your day taking actions that will lead you to your goal. Picture yourself going through the motions, following through on your plans, and making excellent choices.
See yourself as the person who is achieving the goal. Embody the characteristics of your future self. Rehearse for the role like you were preparing to win an Oscar.
Many of my clients get frustrated when progress isn’t happening fast enough. (I can relate!) They use it as an excuse to throw in the towel and give up. Which slows them down even more.
Many people quit before they even start. They’re afraid of disappointing themselves so they disappoint themselves ahead of time (by not even trying).
That’s why I want you to tattoo these 2 truths to the inside of your brain:
#1: If you have a goal, you have EVERYTHING you need to make it happen. Practice believing and acting on this truth every damn day.
#2: If you have a goal, it means that it’s ALREADY HERE. Someone has told you the end of the movie and your job is to become the detective and figure out how you got there. Keep going until you do.
Lastly, when you see an opportunity to help you reach your goal - GRAB IT. Show the universe you mean business and she will keep sending you more opportunities.