love yourself healthy


I love my body. Not because it’s perfect (it’s not). Not because I don’t want to change some things about it (I do). But because I practice loving my body every single day.

I love my body even though my stomach isn’t as flat as it used to be. I place my hands on my softer belly and I love it. And from love, I exercise it daily, feed it healthy food and take amazing care of it.

 I love my body even with the discolored patches on my legs from my autoimmune disease. When I look at those scars, I’m reminded to focus on stress relief and prevent inflammation. So everyday I meditate, avoid sugar, gluten and dairy and get enough quality sleep.

 I love my body even with acne scars on my back and face. So I use only the highest quality products on my skin and detox my body from the inside through my daily rituals.

So many of my clients come to me wanting to change their bodies. Lose weight, get fit and toned, clear their skin, balance their hormones. They want to feel attractive, sexy, thin, graceful.

They come to me because they feel gross, disgusting, fat, unattractive and are sick of feeling that way. They think that if they reach their weight and body goals, they’ll finally be able to love themselves more.

But you can’t change from self loathing.

The only way is to love your way healthy. You have to feel attractive, sexy, and graceful FIRST.

If you’re not convinced, there’s hard science to back this up.

When you feel the emotion of love, you release oxytocin. When oxytocin rises, your neural pathways are more receptive to new impressions. Love is essential for change.

Without changing your mental patterning, you will always rely on force to “get yourself” to do everything you “should” be doing. But how well has “should-ing” on yourself been working for you??

Radical self care is an extension of choosing to love yourself. Choosing to create a more nurturing, supportive and collaborative relationship with your body. It takes some practice. Especially if you’ve spent most of your life hating on yourself.

When my clients join Align & Thrive, there’s a shift that happens. The decision to invest in themselves creates an instant identity transformation. They BECOME someone who prioritizes learning how to take better care of themselves. Many of them start making better choices before we even start because they see themselves differently.

Don’t wait until your body looks like you want it to to give yourself permission to feel beautiful. Practice feeling beautiful now. Practice being someone with a beautiful body now, and your actions will move you in that direction.

Dana SkoglundComment