3 Things I Consume Every Single Day Dana SkoglundApril 27, 2017breakfast, routines, recipes, morning, matcha, green smooties, hot water with lemon, matcha latteComment
Satisfy your sweet tooth (healthfully) Dana SkoglundJuly 5, 2016sugar, cravings, addictions, ayurveda, recipes, chocolateComment
How to get through Thanksgiving without feeling like a stuffed turkey Dana SkoglundOctober 8, 2015thanksgiving, family, habits, recipes, pumpkinComment
Ayurvedic tips for keeping your cool this summer Dana SkoglundAugust 29, 2015ayurveda, green food, hydration, exercise, self-massage, recipesComment
Spring Salads for Dinner UncategorizedDana SkoglundApril 26, 2015spring, Ayurveda, recipes, health, nutrition, digestion
Girls Gone Wild UncategorizedDana SkoglundApril 19, 2015Ayurveda, superfoods, green smooties, weed, health, detos, stress relieve, recipes
A few winter salads and THE KEY to feeling satisfied UncategorizedDana SkoglundDecember 1, 2014Ayurveda, tastes, salad, recipes
Warming Ayurvedic Foods for Winter UncategorizedDana SkoglundNovember 21, 2013apples, Ayurveda, colds, digestion, recipes, soup, spices, winter